Friday, December 16, 2011

What is “Occupy” / “Occupy Wall Street”? --some helpful links

Declaration of the Occupation of New York City--mainly a list of grievances.
Occupy Wall Street: FAQ (frequently asked questions, answered by The Nation magazine’s Nathan Schneider)
Video:  Media analysis:   The Young Turks tell it like it wasn’t reported:  30-50-100,000 people marched to blockade the Port on Nov. 2 —although many outlets in MSM reported 4,500 down to 3,000. 
Video:  Mic-Check!!!  When Wisonsin’s union-busting governor gave a speech at Chicago's Union League Club the morning of Nov 3rd, he had some unexpected guests:  an organization called Stand Up! Chicago
 Occupy Oakland’s homepage—with tabs for Calendar, Public Forum, General Assembly, etc.:
Audio:  Tavis Smiley and Cornel West regularly deal with the Occupy movement and issues important to the poor and working class--past shows are BRILLIANT, and available 24-7:
Occupy SF:  A Declaration from the Occupation (responding to police violence)

Oakland’s Nov. 2:  General Strike/Student Walk-Out/Day of Actions:   
Thousands of people marched and shut down the operations at the Port of Oakland, standing in solidarity for the Occupy movement.
Video:  Activist viewpoint: JUBILANT:  Davey D speaks with Elaine Brown, former chairman of the Black Panther Party, at the General Strike in Oakland, CA.

                        more from this source:
Print:  First-hand account of Nov. 2, including property-damage events, and the reasons we have had helicopters in the sky all ‘e time:  My first hand account of the Black Bloc fiasco during Occupy Oakland strike” by Kallisti Partridge
Print:  Another first-hand narrative of Nov. 2, with commentary about the effect of property-damage:  “I Saw a Different Oakland” by Kevin Army
Print:  Businesses lobby and lie to crack down on OO (Nov. 16)

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